ILS Identity

We understand the relevance of support developing countries by our daily work from every single position in our company. We acknowledge that value creation only can be transmitted by evidence; any of our accomplishments would be valuable if people involved are not trustworthy to our customers and partners. We should say that the highest success to ILS is to follow the statements of its established Identity, which consists of six elements:

  1. Sense of purpose: The reason to exist.
  2. Mission: What ILS must do.
  3. Vision: Where our efforts focus to. Our target.
  4. Values: Our essence, five ethic principles chosen to overstate.
  5. Keys of sucess: Strenghts and structural advantages to maximize our assets.
  6. Code of Ethics: What rules us because it states the way we should behave with every person we relate in order to be treated respectfully, this way we honor our company’s identity.

The philosophy we promote between our staff to launch development involves two areas: Human Factor and Corporate Factor. We had special care to define the purpose of every one of them to complement each other successfully.

Sense of purpose

Contribute to strength the logistics network and foreign trade.


We are a company that provides foreign trade and logistics integrated services, based in customized business models with innovative points of view in technology and liable work processes, directed to value creation.


Being a leading company in the integrated services international market with an excellent technical and professional ability, committed to its customers and oriented to guarantee and contribute to their success.


  • Responsibility
  • Efficiency
  • Credibility
  • Teamwork
  • Passion

Keys of success

  • Capacity to respond
  • Defined flows and processes.
  • Value creation.
  • Operative and financial resources.
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